The following is a log of major activities undertaken by the Black Venom Mercenary Company beginning in May of 3056.
Employer: Free Worlds League Military (House Marik)
Location: Savannah, Free Worlds League
Mission parameters: Track down and eliminate a group making attacks on the local militia unit.
Pay: 60,000 C-Bills/person, 20% salvage.
Opposition: Armed civilians, thugs, and a lance composed of a RFL-5M Rifleman, SHD-5M Shadowhawk, CES-3R Caesar, and SCB-9A Scarabus.
Employer: Armed Forces of the Federated Commonwealth (House Davion)
Location: Homestead, Capellan Confederation
Mission parameters: Drop onto the Liao world of Homestead and proceed to Ilanrock Research Base. Destroy computer core, then rendevous for extraction.
Pay: 350,000 C-Bills, 9% salvage.
Opposition: In the field: Mech lance: BLR-1D Battlemaster, RFL-5M Rifleman, RVN-37 Raven, SDR-9K Venom, as well as 3 infantry platoons.
Research base: 2 infantry platoons equipped with machineguns, 35 research scientists.
Employer: Draconis Combine Mustered Soldiery (House Kurita)
Location: Luthien, Draconis Combine
Mission parameters: Retrieve flight recorder from a downed Kuritan fighter.
Pay: 1,000,000 C-Bills, plus a truckload of ammunition.
Opposition: PNT-10K Panther, KIM-2 Kimodo, CLNT-2-3U Clint, DRG-5K Grand Dragon, KTO-19 Kintaro. Lance of vehicles, and 3 infantry platoons.
Employer: Lyran Alliance Armed Forces (House Steiner)
Location: Morningside, Lyran Alliance
Mission parameters: Garrison duty for expected assault.
Pay: 160,000 C-Bills, 10% salvage.
Opposition: MAD-5S Marauder, WHM-7S Warhammer, GRF-3M Griffon, JR7-K Jenner, MON-66 Mongoose, ARC-5S Archer, CPLT-C3 Catapult, BNC-5S Banshee.
Employer: Lyran Alliance Armed Forces (House Steiner)
Location: Hoth, Chara system, Lyran Alliance.
Mission parameters: Drop onto Hoth, an icy world of constant blizzards, and identify a transmission origination point. Secure the area and await pickup.
Pay: 600,000 C-Bills, and all salvage.
Opposition: Militia and mercenary forces from other Houses.
House Liao Militia: VND-3L Vindicator, Koto, CHP-1N Champion, WVR-7K Wolverine.
House Marik Militia: MCY-97 Mercury, SDR-7M Spider, PNT-10K Panther, HSR-1000-D Hussar.
Diamond Sharks (Merc): FLE-4 Flea, SHD-5M Shadowhawk, RFL-4D Rifleman, CN9-AH Centurion, LCT-3D Locust, COM-5S Commando, DV-7D Dervish.
Blue Sharks (Merc): CRD-5M Crusader, SHD-2D2 Shadowhawk, WLF-1 Wolfhound.
Red Talons (Merc): AXM-1N Axman, RFL-UAC10 Rifleman, BJ-2 Blackjack, HER-56 Hermes II.
Employer: Lyran Alliance Armed Forces (House Steiner)
Location: Hoth, Chara system, Lyran Alliance.
Mission parameters: Maintain a secure perimeter around the battlefield and await the salavge team.
Pay: 50% salavge.
Opposition: Mercs sent by House Marik. RVN-3L Raven, CPLT-C3 Catapult, MON-66 Mongoose, and GUN-1ERD Gunslinger.
Employer: N/A
Location: New Earth
Mission parameters: Honour battle versus Deathstrike, another merc group.
Pay: Remains of leader's Rifleman.
Opposition: Irregular lance composed of IMP-3E Imp, Koto, CTF-3L Cataphract, Demon, Lightning.
Employer: Armed Forces of the Federated Commonwealth
Location: Thorin, Lyran Alliance
Mission parameters: Garrison duty. Maintain control of the area until forces can pull off-world.
Pay: 739,500 C-Bills
Opposition: Lyran rebels. Typhoon Urban Assault Vehicle, Badger C, Rotunda, Thor, SRM Carrier, Vedette (NETC Variant), 22 infantry platoons.
Employer: Colmar Mining Company
Location: 8-Ball, Kowloon system, Lyran Alliance.
Mission parameters: Protect Colmar interests on the planet of 8-Ball. Then, following the evacuation, protect company supplies and guard against raiders.
Pay: 800,000 C-Bills, plus assorted mech supplies.
Opposition: Civilian members of The Union, people opposed to Colmar's evacuation of the planet.
Raiders: CDA-3M Cicada, COM-5S Commando.
Clan Jade Falcon raiders: Loki Prime, Ryoken Prime, Puma C, Dragonfly Prime, and Dasher B.
Employer: Lyran Intelligence Corps
Location: Machida, Lyran Alliance; Chahar, Lyran Alliance
Mission parameters: Infiltrate the base of Diablo Squad and procure a copy of selected files on the computer core. After that, defend a munitions convoy on Chahar.
Pay: 130,000 C-Bills, 10% salavge, advanced weaponry.
Opposition: Machida: platoons of infantry, and a lance of vehicles.
Chahar: JA-KL-1532 Jackel, LNX-9Q Lynx, TR1 Wraith, PLG-37 Pillager, and ARC-2W Archer.
Employer: Lyran Alliance Armed Forces
Location: Caph, Disputed, Chaos March.
Mission parameters: Reinforce the flagging forces of the Denebola Skye March Militia through garrison activities. Situation quickly deteriorated and required an offensive that the Lyrans were ill-prepared to battle.
Pay: 18 million C-Bills, half in advance. Plus 500,000 in supplies and ammo upfront.
Opposition: Stealthy Tigers: FM-HK-9K Falcon Hawk, STH-1D Stealth, FLC-4C Falcon, PNT-10K Panther. Lindon's Battalion: SPR-5F Spector, DV-7D Dervish, JR7-K Jenner, SHD-5M ShadowHawk, HBK-5M Hunchback, WFT-1 Wolftrap, TMP-3M Tempest (w/ spec. weapon)