` Battletech Card Game, Marik

House Marik

Free Worlds League, House Marik

House Overview:

Current difficulties with House Marik's internal intelligence agency, SAFE, have prevented this house overview from being broadcast. We are currently working to rectify the problem, and hope to have the information available soon.

At the last card tournament that we had among ourselves Steve's House Marik deck cleaned our clocks. Some of the battles were longer than others, but Steve remained in control through most of the games.

Black Venom Comments:

Lloyd Flemming:
Jim Gates:
Trevor McNabb:
Sure, Marik has their fancy mechs, but who needs them? Liao's been using the same technology in their Urbanmechs for the last three centuries and they're still hanging on (by the skin of their teeth! Hehehe!).
Alan Powell:
Incoming...! Watchout for those missiles! Marik's technologically complicated mechs make them slow to build so hit hard fast or you'll succumb to barrage after barrage of NARC guided missiles.
Dave Stevenson:

One of Steve's Fav Marik Decks:

Commands Mechs Resources
Thomas Marik
Marissa Morgan
Rhonda Snord
1 Maneuvering Ace
1 Maveric Mechjock
1 Grey Death Legion Pilot
Contract with Grey Death Legion
1 Contract w/Northwind Highlanders
3 Inside Job
1 Heavy Woods
1 Point Defence System
1 Comstar Technicians

1 Forged Mission Orders
1 Blitzkrieg
2 Heroic Sacrifice
2 Unopposed
1 Studied Move
3 Cicada (Marik)
1 Mongoose
1 Wraith
3 Trebuchet (Marik)
1 Anvil
1 Rakshasa
2 Orion (Marik)
3 Apollo
2 Tempest
1 Stalker (Marik)
1 Cerberus
4 Assembly
2 Munitions
4 Tactics
4 Politics
1 Outreach Merc Training
2 Marik Arms Trade
2 Comstar Support
1 Repair Facility